Earth Under Fire 2005
"Knowledge of these earlier superwave calamities must have
been passed down through the generations, for traditions
from various parts of the world speak of recurring world
cycles, each being ended by a global catastrophe. Legends
warn us of these past catastrpophes will be repeated, that
our civilization, like others, may be forced to contend with
some of nature's most violent forces. The ancient Greeks
spoke of a cyclic period called "the Great Year," which was
supposed to last about , years, the duration of the most
recent polar precession cycle (
one astrological Great
Cycle). This was supposed to include two catastrophic
epochs, a
"great summer" called
ekpyrauses (
combustion) and a
"great winter" called
deluge), separated from one another by about
years. They believed that at these solstices all human
beings are annihilated. Curiously, their Great Year and its
semi-cycle period approximate the intervals between cosmic
ray events as indicated by the
25,400+/-2,000 and
12,200+/-1,000 year cycles found in the polar ice
beryllium-10 record. If the Greek Great Year solstices were
referenced relative to the Galactic center in Scorpio, then
their great summer would have taken place
12,850 years
BP, when Earth's North Pole then being maximally inclined
toward Sagittarius A*. The geologic record shows that this
was a time of excessive warmth, substantial glacial
meltwater flooding, and severe extinction of large mammal
species. Ancient traditions setting the vernal equinox at
the Virgo-Leo constellation boundary could have been marking
this important date. About 260 years from now (
2264 A.D.),
polar axis precession will have brought the Galactic center
to its southernmost
"winter solstice" position. According to
this formula, the world would then be in store for a deluge.
However, if a superwave were to strike us now, it would be
more likely to induce a period of heavy precipitation and
glacial growth in high latitude regions.' Dr. Paul
While reading the book, I
then conversed with the author of "Myths, Symbols, and
Mysteries", in India about his article "The end of the
Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga
Cycle" Here is a partial summary of his reply:
"Thanks for sharing the interesting bits of
information with me. I had read Paul LaViolette's book
"Earth Under Fire" many years back, but it was
refreshing to hear him speak about the galactic
superwave theory. Although we cant really be sure that
the cosmic rays come from the Galactic Center or some
other place. Our sun, or some other star system may be
involved as well. I can see that both Chan's work on c14
as well as LaViolette's theories based on b10 in the
Antarctic ice caps support each other, and coincide to a
great extent with the Yuga cycle timelines I had
proposed. Here are the approximate dates for the
periodic cataclysms based on the Yuga Cycle theory,
projected back in time. All dates are in BP i.e. before
present. I have added a couple of ? marks for those
transitions in the ascending cycle which may not have
been particularly cataclysmic." Bibhu Dev Misra
2750 BP-- Lowest Point of Yuga Cycle
5750 BP
8750 BP
11750 BP
14750 BP - Peak of Golden Age
17750 BP (?)
20750 BP (?)
23750 BP
26750 BP - Lowest Point of Yuga Cycle
29750 BP