Duality of the Creature.


Owing to the prevalence of good and evil in every creature, as existing in aggregate matter, every creature is dual; and, since both good and evil actuate in the earthy body of the creature, are diametrically opposed to each other, and represent the actualities of the Kingdom of Righteousness and the Kingdom of Evil, so, as a sequence, there must be two centres of mental activity within the creature; that is, there must be a centre through or from which the good pertaining to the kingdom of righteousness, as exhibited by the Divine Sparks from the One God, sways the earthy body to the performance of good deeds. Through another centre evil, in its pertaining to the kingdom of evil, sways the earthy body to the performance of evil deeds. The mental struggle between the representatives of these two kingdoms may result in a temporary triumph of evil in its sway. Such sway, however, is empty, in that it fails to contaminate the Divine Spark whose immediate strength was not equal to that of the Adversary. It follows, therefore, that the apparent triumph of evil in the contamination of the earthy body resolves itself into an exhibition of its own inherences, thereby furnishing the proof required for its own condemnation, since, without proof, none can be condemned in the court of equity established by the One God. In regard to the seats of the two mentalities dwelling within the creature it appears, by the Scriptures, that Jesus the Christ is "the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God" (see Col. ii. 19, also, 1 Cor. xii. 13-21; Eph. v. 23).

Wherefore the indication presents itself that the seat of the mentality - the mind - of the Divine Sparks is in the head of the creature; this mentality re-acting throughout the creature's body. In condistinction to the head as the seat of the mentality of the Divine Sparks, the "fleshy mind" (see Col. ii. 18) points to the seat of the mentality of the Evil Sparks as being in the body, and, consequently, by the general scriptural sense, in the heart. From this centre, therefore, the mentality of the Evil, in its turn, also re-acts through the creature's body, yet ever in conflict with the Sparks Divine. Pierce the seat of the mentality of evil, and the creature instantly becomes inert, dead; but strike the head, as the seat of mentality of the good, from off the creature when the body, actuated by its indwelling mentality - fleshy mind - crawls, jumps, or flies, until the inexorable befalls it through the loss of the blood that is the life thereof. These results indicate the separateness of the good and evil dwelling within the creature, and, hence, the dual activity to which it is subject. It must be considered that the earthy body, in one great essential sense, was and is established for the testing of inherences, both good and evil. But, were there only one Fountain-head, and were the good and evil seen and felt on every side simply an exhibition of the separation - disintegration as it were - of the constituents of these waters, then no abolition of evil could exist as long as these waters should flow. Duality, however, as embodied in the earthy, clearly admits of the casting out and segregation of evil, and, after the segregation, of a growth in the kingdom of righteousness that shall be without blemish.
