

Exodus ix. The indications are probable that the first four signs given Pharaoh shadow (see Ezek. xiv. 21, 22) the four sore judgments that shall come upon Jerusalem as the Four Ages of Man, three of which - viz., the 21414BC ten day destruction of the First race by volcanic eruption and earthquake (see Num. xvi. 1-10), the 12098BC seven year destruction of the Second race by drought and famine (micro nova) (see Rev. viii. 8, 9), and the 2241BC one year destruction of the Third race by the Deluge of Noah (see Gen. vii. 17-20) - are all matters of the past, while the 2133-2183AD one hour fourth destruction may now be in the course of fulfillment.

From the position the seven plagues that remain shadow the seven last plagues (see Rev. xv. 1-7; vi. 7, 8) pertaining to the final epochs of the Fourth age. 

Those referred to in these verses seem to be of the host of fallen which were overcome and cast down by the great Adversary. This is the host which, through fear of death, were under bondage to him that had the power of death, which is the devil; but they are no longer under bondage; they have been set free; they have gotten over the mark of the beast, and undoubtedly are, the host for whom justification was made by faith, to the end that they also might be saved. Jesus Christ was begotten; man was created and conformed to his image; man fell, and the Saviour came in the flesh, and took upon himself man's iniquity, through the operation of a law; laid down his life, and paid the penalty of man's transgression. Now if man had been justified by this, then the host which had been cast to the earth by the wiles of the Adversary would have been mere spectators of man's salvation, hopeless and without hope; but justification was made by faith, to the end that they also might be included. Through faith, therefore, they are included and justified, that one should not be perfected without the other. The baptism of John is an evidence and sign that repentance is necessary for the remission of sins, and, therefore, faith cannot follow except there be first repentance. The wonderful completeness of the plan whereby God, through Jesus Christ, reconciles all things to himself, whether things in earth or things in heaven, is inconceivably great, and beyond comprehension. Here and there the golden rays of light steal through and chase away the darkness which threatened to overwhelm all with its murky vail.

Exodus xv. 1. "Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea." The song of Moses and the children of Israel takes up the grand theme of the overthrow of Lucifer the angel Death (see Rev. vi. 7, 8). As, therefore, Pharaoh and his horse perished in the midst of the sea, so will Death, and the horse upon which he rides, be cast into the sea and perish. The horse upon which Death rides (see Rev. vi. 8) is the Pale horse or the Fourth race of men (Adam's); hence the overwhelming of the Fourth race, or the casting of the Pale horse into the sea, brings with it the sure destruction of Death. Were this not so,— that is, should the Fourth race be destroyed and Death go free,—then the Law would lack in equity. Inasmuch, however (see Isa. xi. 4), as the Law does not lack in equity, all hosts must come under its rulings; wherefore, through the Law, Death also, the last enemy (see I. Cor. xv. 26), as prefigured by the overthrow of Pharaoh, will be destroyed; and if destroyed then (see Ezek. xxviii. 18, 19) never again will he, as Death, rise into existence, and hence the triumph of the Lord is, and ever will be, most glorious.

Exodus xv. 2. "The Lord is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him."

Thus, although the Fourth race of men shall be destroyed through the ruling of the Law, yet, through the Lord (see xiv. 14), who fights and wins the great battle of life, the people are redeemed from death, and the Lord is become the God of their salvation. Prepare ye, therefore, a habitation for the Living Bread, that, through regeneration, the God of life may dwell within you; prepare ye a habitation for the Living Bread, that (see I. Cor. xv. 54) the corruptible may put on incorruption, that mortality may put on immortality, and that Death be swallowed up in victory.

Exodus xx. 4, 5. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5. "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me."

In these verses the great Law of Iniquity is given forth, through the operation of which the debt of the fathers will be transmitted from the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. Three of these generations are under the veil, and they indicate the first three ages of man, while the fourth generation indicates the Fourth age. The descent of iniquity indicates the activity of the Ten Commandments from the First age, and, doubtless, they form a portion of the instructions given the fathers of the various races of men in the days of their creations, under the name of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
